In this paper the relationship that exists between the concepts of «happiness» and «creativity» with «subjective well-being» is analyzed. The importance of these elements is reviewed to confirm the positive relationship that is supposed to exist between them and in this way to propose organizational development strategies. The goals to achieve are to find the correlation between the variables in the local environment. To this end, a questionnaire is applied, and 249 responses are obtained, this instrument includes questions for each of the variables under study and have been obtained from a sample of a population of university students and graduates former students of management degrees in the city of Tijuana, BC, Mexico. Results confirm that the variables «happiness» and «subjective well-being» and the variables «creativity» and «subjective well-being» have a high mutual relationship based on the results in Pearson’s correlation analysis, in the analysis of variance and in the regression equation model. It reaches to the conclusion of the importance of applied strategies for the development of the human element in organizations based on the implementation of actions that promote creativity and increase perception of happiness to influence the development of subjective well-being in individuals and organizations from collaboration networks and organizational tools.
Keywords: Subjective well-being, quality of life, creativity, perception, happiness, society, organizations, people.
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