Purpose: The present research aims to study the correlations among organizational climate, academic satisfaction and organizational commitment as factors that influence happiness at work by applying a structural equation model to Spanish National Police cadets. Design/methodology/approach: A descriptive, quantitative, correlational, exploratory and cross-sectional empirical study was carried out. A measurement instrument was applied to a target population of 397 student-inspectors enrolled for the 2018–2020 academic year on the executive scale at the National Police School (EPN) in Spain. A sample of 190 surveys was obtained, of which 33 were open competition, 52 were competitive examinations and 105 were selective seniority. Findings: Structural equation modeling shows that academic satisfaction, organizational climate and practical organizational commitment are recommended variables for assessing happiness within organizations. On the other hand, there is a bit of a positive relationship between happiness and practical organizational commitment. The same is not true for the parameters of academic satisfaction and organizational climate. Originality/value: This study fills a gap in the literature on the analysis of governance models in public administration. This is particularly relevant in professions that require a high degree of engagement with citizens, such as police officers. According to the authors’ knowledge, this study is one of the first works to analyze corporate governance in police cadet schools in Spain under the happiness management approach. It contributes by offering a better understanding of the psychosocial variables that affect the existence of good governance. © 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited.
Today’s generation has undoubtedly witnessed spectacular changes all over the world including the emergence of diseases, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome. Now, we are faced with an unprecedented crisis, brought on by coronavirus disease 2019, a worldwide pandemic that has shaken our economic and social equilibrium, bringing about a new set of parameters in personal as well as in social behavioral patterns, and ceding way to new strategies of political conduct and economic planning. In this article, we hope to stress the idea of innovation as a necessary instrument for economic viability and quite possibly an important factor for reconstruction in the aftermath of the pandemic. We propose that society will have to adopt certain tools and conducts to recover from the consequences of the crisis, making use of innovation as a strategy for the recovery and development of the economy that has been weakened from lockdown and social distancing. With this goal in mind, we hope to prove that a crisis, such as a pandemic, is cause for change and innovation at all levels.
Key words: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), economic viability, innovation, technology, pandemic aftermath
In the current study, we examined the relationship between perceived person happiness and factors that influence this perception, also, is inferred that life satisfaction is influence by happiness. Among 2494 Spaniards individuals of both sexes, we found that these individuals valued political situation, economic situation and socio-demographic characteristics to have a strong association in that order, with happiness and that this last construct is a fundamental factor to life satisfaction. The importance of perception is validated using a structural equation model that evaluates relationships and validity on the constructs in question. Collinearity statistics, average variance extracted, and an estimated partial least square regression model are evaluated to confirm independent meaning, correct construct measure and endogenous variable explanation by the predictive constructs. Results indicate that the level of happiness in Spaniards is most influenced by political perception. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed, and it is proposed to continue this study in a non-developed country.
Keywords: Happiness · Life satisfaction ·Political situation · Economic situation · Sociodemographic characteristics · SEM
Several studies in the literature indicate the link between socio-psychological factors at work with the degree of satisfaction or perceived happiness. However, there are still few analyzes that expressly address this relationship in the public sector workers, compared to those in the private sector. This paper aims to find out if the public sector employees are happier than the private sector, by associating happiness to some of these factors in Spain. Results show that employees in the public sector are indeed happier than those in private one. In terms of pay, safety and perceived stress levels, there are association relationships to employee happiness. This research provides very useful information for those firm managers who are responsible for human resources policies related to these factors: salary, security and stress.
Este trabajo forma parte de un estudio más amplio sobre construcción de la imagen social de la felicidad asociada al ámbito profesional. Pero como punto de partida consideramos importante exponer los resultados de esta prueba piloto para someterlo a crítica y avanzar con las consideraciones oportunas. Prestamos especial interés al imaginario de la felicidad emergente en el ámbito laboral indagando en las plataformas profesionales virtuales. Se trata de una aproximación al estudio de lo que entendemos por felicidad laboral y el bienestar subjetivo en ambientes técnicos
Palabras clave: Felicidad, bienestar subjetivo, linkedin, sociología de la felicidad
In this paper the relationship that exists between the concepts of «happiness» and «creativity» with «subjective well-being» is analyzed. The importance of these elements is reviewed to confirm the positive relationship that is supposed to exist between them and in this way to propose organizational development strategies. The goals to achieve are to find the correlation between the variables in the local environment. To this end, a questionnaire is applied, and 249 responses are obtained, this instrument includes questions for each of the variables under study and have been obtained from a sample of a population of university students and graduates former students of management degrees in the city of Tijuana, BC, Mexico. Results confirm that the variables «happiness» and «subjective well-being» and the variables «creativity» and «subjective well-being» have a high mutual relationship based on the results in Pearson’s correlation analysis, in the analysis of variance and in the regression equation model. It reaches to the conclusion of the importance of applied strategies for the development of the human element in organizations based on the implementation of actions that promote creativity and increase perception of happiness to influence the development of subjective well-being in individuals and organizations from collaboration networks and organizational tools.
Keywords: Subjective well-being, quality of life, creativity, perception, happiness, society, organizations, people.
En la actualidad, los estudiantes del nivel universitario enfrentan grandes adversidades durante su carrera. Muchos de ellos trabajan y a la vez estudian, lo que repercute en el estrés y los síntomas de vivir bajo esta condición. El ambiente laboral suele ser fuente de estrés para muchos estudiantes universitarios trabajadores y esto afecta en poca o gran medida su desenvolvimiento en actividades de estudiante. El objetivo de la presente es analizar la influencia de los síntomas del Burnout en los estudiantes de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración (FCA) campus Tijuana, principalmente aquellos que laboran en empresas de call center. Para lograr dicho objetivo se aplicó una encuesta basada en el Inventario de Burnout de Maslach a 50 estudiantes de la FCA campus Tijuana. En dicha encuesta se consideran factores como el cansancio físico, el cansancio emocional, la despersonalización y la realización personal.
Palabras clave: Burnout, cansancio emocional, despersonalización, realización personal, estudiantes universitarios
During the first two decades of the 21st century, the scientific research about cognitive happiness within the classrooms of higher education institutions have been intensified, some of them have been used to explore within the framework of the digital society whether the promotion of collaborative learning is a useful didactic strategy to stimulate the happiness level of future graduates. Coherently with this research focus, the present work aims to analyze the link between happiness of university students and their academic performance. For this intention, during the academic year 2018-2019, a sample was taken from students of technology, administration, accounting and international business from the universities of Cádiz (Spain) and the Autonomous of Baja California (Mexico). The results obtained by linear regressions are quite consistent with the scientific literature about the correlation between happiness and a better academic performance, both populations confirm this theory.
Keywords: Happiness, academic performance, university, digital society.
El principal objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el grado de felicidad en los españoles y especialmente en los millennials. Concretamente, se contrastan las variables demográficas y socioeconómicas influyentes en los niveles de felicidad a través del análisis de los datos ofrecidos por los barómetros del Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) en el 2017, con una muestra de 2 494 individuos. Entre las principales conclusiones destaca que la edad y el nivel de estudios no influyen en la felicidad de los millennials. Por el contrario, sí influye el género y la situación laboral. Las mujeres millennials son más felices que los hombres millennials, así como los millennials que trabajan.
Palabras clave: Felicidad, millennials, barómetro del CIS, variables socioeconómicas, variables demográficas.
En este artículo se trata el tema de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria (RSU) como parte del proceso formativo de estudiantes universitarios y como elemento de competitividad en las empresas, al preparar a los estudiantes durante el proceso de interacción educativa desde su perspectiva. Se llevó a cabo un estudio cuantitativo aplicando 537 cuestionarios a una población de 2620 estudiantes de licenciatura en la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración (FCA) de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC). Se realizó el análisis de confiabilidad para validar el instrumento de medición y se procedió a realizar un estudio de varianza y de correlaciones entre las variables de estudio planteadas: Campus Responsable (CR), Gestión y Cuidado del Medio Ambiente (GMA), Formación Profesional Ciudadana (FPC) y Participación Social Responsable (PSR). Los resultados indican elevados niveles de Alpha de Cronbach (CR=.829, FPC=.875, GMA=.825 y PSR=.877), ANOVA con indicadores significativos y valores en el índice de correlación de .601 a .713 en Pearson y de .666 a .750 en Spearman, ambos significativos. Las variables de estudio se encuentran relacionadas entre sí y covarían. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes, es importante implementar estrategias educativas de la RSE en los programas de estudio de las Universidades e incluir su enfoque en el desarrollo de profesionales con alto valor agregado que al finalizar sus estudios se integren a las organizaciones y promuevan el desarrollo territorial.
Palabras clave: responsabilidad social, proceso de interacción educativa, educación superio
The objective of this research is to understand the significance between organizational behavior dimensions from a perspective of cultural values and the perception of job performance in the worker. To achieve this goal, it was used a quantitative analysis for structural equations in a case study with a sample of 194 people working on firms from manufacturing medical products. For this study we defined and stratified the cultural values on three sections: family, religion and spirituality. The main findings indicate that spirituality is significant in the perception of the worker’s own performance.
JEL Classification: D23, J24, L60, M54.
Keywords: Cultural values, Performance, Structural equational modeling.
Competitiveness is a subject of study that affects different aspects of the individual and of the organizations. The demand that the modern environment towards the acquisition of skills, abilities and capacities impels diverse studies on the satisfaction that is obtained when trying to fulfill all the requirements in the process of development. In this research, we try to find a relation between competitiveness and the variables of happiness, welfare and education to validate the existence or significant influence among them. For these effects a correlation analysis and quantitative structural equations were used in a case study with a sample of 106 university graduates. The main findings indicate that happiness is a perception that can be presented as independent of competitiveness. In contrast, welfare and education have a more significant relationship among respondents.
La necesidad de realizar una valoración sobre el rol de los activos intangibles dentro de las organizaciones hace que sea necesario establecer estrategias entre la creación de valor con base en el conocimiento y los mecanismos de adquisición de éste en las empresas. En esta investigación se plantea la problemática de establecer elementos que desarrollen la capacidad de fortalecer el conocimiento que las empresas adquieren a través de acciones centradas en los sistemas de información, la innovación y el proceso de la toma de decisiones, todo coadyuvando a la ampliación de la inteligencia de negocios [business intelligence] como un factor fundamental en la competitividad empresarial. Es una investigación mixta: entrevistas a profundidad en el aspecto cualitativo y cuestionario en el aspecto cuantitativo; en empresas del Sector de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación. Los hallazgos principales son: 1) El conocimiento es el activo de mayor valor en las empresas. 2) El entorno de negocios es fundamental para la competitividad. 3) La innovación, los sistemas de información y los procesos de toma de decisiones son parte de la inteligencia de negocios que requieren las empresas y 4) La inteligencia de negocios desarrolla la competitividad a partir de la gestión del conocimiento.
Palabras clave: inteligencia de negocios; competitividad empresarial; gestión del conocimiento; innovación de negocios; procesos de toma de decisiones